Books and Articles
Here's a selection of books and articles relative to
Socorro County. Use
to see which libraries near you have them. If none do, you
may be able borrow them via InterLibrary Loan; ask at your
local library.
Note: Underlined, colored titles are available online!
Click them to open.
¡Viva Elfego! : the case for Elfego
Baca, Hispanic hero
Sager, Stan
Santa Fe : Sunstone Press, 2008
Alamo Navaho kinship and sib systems; an essay ...
Simmons, Donald C.
Dissertation: M.A.; Yale University, 1950
Articles on Socorro and New Mexico
Christiansen, Paige W.,
Socorro, N.M. : Socorro County Historical Society, 1965
Baldwins : tall tales and true, The
Wilson, Spencer.; Baldwin, R. L.
Roy, N.M. : Floersheim Print. Co., 1985
Bautismos. San Miguel del Socorro : January 1854 -
March 1865
Schoolcraft, Edward J.
Santa Fe, N.M. : Archdiocese of Santa Fe, 1996
Biographies of old Socorro residents
Christiansen, Paige W.,
Socorro, N.M. : Socorro County Historical Society, 1967
Bosque del Apache Grant : containing 60,117 39/100
acres, situated on the Rio Grande del Norte, Socorro
County, New-Mexico, U.S.A., confirmed by Act of Congress,
21st June, 1860 ; patented by U.S. Government 21st March,
1877, as claim 35, description and title deeds.
New York : H. Bessey, 1879
Celebrating 100 years of frontier living
Barrington, Jacky L.
Magdalena, N.M., 1984
Churches of the Valley along the southern Rio
Spitler, Loring W.
New Mexico?, 1970
: Hispanic women of the Rio Puerco Valley
Garcia, Nasario
Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press, 1997
Note: Can be "borrowed"/downloaded for two weeks with free
business directory of New Mexico, and gazetteer of the
territory for 1882
Caypless, Edgar., Ritch, W. G.
Santa Fe, N.M., New Mexican Printing & Publishing Co.
Note: Socorro County begins on page 149 in the book (image
resources overview : Central New Mexico
Tainter, Joseph A., Levine, Frances
Albuquerque, N.M. : USDA Forest Service; Santa Fe, N.M.;
BLM, New Mexico State Office
Note: Book concentrates on archaeology but has much history
as well.
Deed in his hand : the homesteading experiences of
Samuel M., "Bishop" Hunter and his wife, Winnie E.,
"Dink", my parents, The
Woody, Odell Hunter
W.O. Woody, 1987
Destiny at Valverde : the life and death of
Alexander McRae
Grinstead, Marion C.
Socorro, N.M. : Published by the Historical Society of New
Mexico in association with the Socorro Historical Society,
of villages at San Marcial
Calkins, Hugh G.
Albuquerque, N.M. : US Dept. of Agriculture, 1937
Elfego Baca : destined to survive
Alvarado, Robert J.
Santa Fe : Sunstone Press, 2013
Baca in life and legend
Ball, Larry D.
El Paso, Tex. Texas Western Press, 1992
Note: Can be "borrowed"/downloaded for two weeks with free
Fort Conrad, New Mexico story, The
Stanley, F.
Dumas, Tex., 1961
Fourth Street, near Manzanares: the carbonated
beverage industry in Socorro, New Mexico, 1880-1967
Lockhart, Bill, 1944-
Socorro, N.M. : Socorro County Historical Society, 2003
the Rio to the Sierra: An environmental history of the
Middle Rio Grande Basin
Scurlock, Dan
Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1998
Note: 440-page book; includes much on the history of the
Historical survey of the Socorro District
Sanders, Alvin.
Boulder, Colo. : Resources Development Internship Program,
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, 1976
History of Socorro Lodge #9 A.F. & A.M.,
Socorro, New Mexico, 1882-1982 : 100 years of assistance,
service and charity
Reeves, James E.
Socorro, N.M., 1982
of the Sevilleta Land Grant and in the First Person:
Oral Histories from La Joya de Sevilleta "The Jewel of
the Sevilleta"
Rand-Caplan, Ramona L.
Dissertation: M.A.; University of New Mexico; 2006
Note: Click "Download" to get pdf file
Home town recipes of Socorro
Chicago, Ill. : Women's Clubs Publishing Co., 1970s
Incident of New Mexico's nightriders : a true
account of the Socorro vigilantes, The
L'Aloge, Bob; Bryan, Howard,
Sunnyside, WA : BJS Brand Books, 1992
John E. Willis reminiscence, 1926
Willis, John E., 1856- 1915
July 1906 earthquakes in Socorro, The
Ashcroft, Bruce A.
Albuquerque : New Mexico historical review, 1974
Kelly, New Mexico story, The
Stanley, F.
Nazareth, Texas, 1973
Land grant/Pueblo histories
Ebright, Malcolm.
Guadalupita, N.M. : Center for Land Grant Studies, 2005
Life and death of a frontier fort--Fort Craig, New
Mexico, 1854-1885
Grinstead, Marion C.
Socorro, N.M. : Socorro County Historical Society, 1973
Magdalena New Mexico story, The
Stanley, F.
Nazareth, Tex., 1973
Magdalena Times : tour of historic Magdalena and
ghost towns, 1884-present
Magdalena, N.M. : Magdalena Mountain Mail
Man el valiente Daniel Archuleta, The
Stevens, George Richard Montague
Santa Fe, N.M. : G.R.M. Stevens, 1985
antes : Hispanic folklore of the Río Puerco Valley
Garcia, Nasario
Santa Fe : Museum of New Mexico Press, 1997
Note: Can be "borrowed"/downloaded for two weeks with free
Matrimonios : San Miguel del Socorro, 1 January
1854-31 December 1900 : San Ignacio y San Cristobal, 1
March 1869-31 December 1900 : San Marcial, 26 March
1883-31 December 1902 : Our Lady of Sorrows of La Jolla, 1
January 1872-31 December 1900
Torres, Felix.
Albuquerque, N.M. : The Hispanic Genealogical Research
Center of New Mexico, 1999
Note: See Socorro County NMGenWeb Church Records for
links to these and other church records!
Murder, mystery and mayhem in the Río Abajo
Melzer, Richard; Taylor, John
Los Ranchos, N.M. : Rio Grande Books, 2013
New Mexican generations : geneaology [sic] of Max
M. Torres and related families
Chapman, Charles C.
Charles C. Chapman, 1981
Mexico Roots Ltd
Chavez, Angelico
University of New Mexico General Library, 1983
New Mexico trail : Las Vueltas de Socorro, The
Castillo-Wilson, Larry.
Socorro, N.M. : [Archival Material], 1984
Old Magdalena cow town
Johnston, Langford Ryan; Barrington, Jacky L.
Magdalena, N.M. : Bandar Log, Inc., 1983
Pictures of old Socorro and Catron Counties
Christiansen, Paige W.
Socorro, N.M. : Socorro County Historical Society, 1970
Proceedings of a public meeting held in Socorro,
March 3, 1876
Baca, Pedro A.
New Mexico, 1876
Prospectus of the Cooney Mining Co. of Socorro :
Socorro County, New Mexico
Cooney Mining Company
Avoca, Ia. : A.P. Cramer, printer, 1882
of the new town of Magdalena, N.M.
Santa Fe, N.M. : New Mexico Town Company, 1884-5.
Publications in history [Serial]
Socorro County Historical Society
Socorro, N.M., Socorro County Historical Society, 1965-1974
Publications in history. Volume 2
Christiansen, Paige W.
Socorro, N.M. : Socorro County Historical Society, 1966
Querencia [Biography]
Bodio, Stephen
New York : Skyhorse Publishing, 2014, 1999
Ranching in the Magdalena, New Mexico area : the
last cowboys
Mutchler, J. C.
University of New Mexico; 1992
as to Socorro County
Fischer, M.; Abeytia, Antonio Y. A. Corp New Mexico., Bureau
of Immigration.
Socorro : Socorro Daily News Office, 1881
San Antonio, New Mexico story, The
Stanley, F.
Pep, Tex : Crocchiola, 1973
San Marcial, New Mexico story
Stanley, F.
Salt Lake City, Utah : Digitized by FamilySearch
International, 2017
San Miguel del Socorro, New Mexico, marriage
records, 1821-1853
Sanchez, Joe III.; Silva, Antoinette Duran
Whittier, CA, 1999
Burr, Baldwin G.
Charleston, South Carolina : Arcadia Publishing, 2014
Socorro County Historical Society
Christiansen, Paige W., General Editor.
Socorro, NM : Socorro County Historical Society, 1970
County, New Mexico: the largest and the richest in
resources of New Mexico counties
New Mexico, Bureau of Immigration
New Mexico, 1904
Facts not Fancy
Historical Society of New Mexico. "Issue No. 20: March
1985." La Crónica de Nuevo México 1, 20 (1985)
Facts not Fancy, Continued
Historical Society of New Mexico. "Issue No. 21: June 1985."
La Crónica de Nuevo México 1, 21 (1985)
Socorro, a historic survey
Conron, John P.
Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 1980
Socorro Land Grant: A Genealogy of the Founding
Families, Part I.
Baca, Robert J. C.
Desert Genes Books, 2017
Note: Link is to a free E-Book preview. It is not the
finished book.
Socorro photographer, Joseph Edward Smith,
Smith, Joseph Edward, 1858-1936.; McKee, John DeWitt,;
Wilson, Spencer,
Socorro, N.M. : Socorro County Historical Society, 1974
Socorro, New Mexico
McKee, John DeWitt
Socorro, N.M. : Socorro County Historical Society, 1974
Socorro: the oasis
Stanley, F.
Denver, Colo. : World Press, 1950
Vines and Vintners
Historical Society of New Mexico. "Issue No. 22: November
1985." La Crónica de Nuevo México 1, 22 (1985)
Some letters and writings of James Barton Adams
Adams, James Barton
Socorro, N.M. : Socorro County Historical Society, 1968
Spanish times and boom times; toward an
architectural history of Socorro, New Mexico
Nieman, Charles L.
Socorro, N.M., Socorro County Historical Society, 1972
Surgeon's report on Socorro, N.M., 1852 : together
with comments by other early travelers through Socorro
Hammond, John Fox
Santa Fe, New Mexico : Stagecoach Press, 1966
These also served : brief histories of pioneers ;
short stories and pictures relative to Catron, Grant,
Sierra, Socorro, and Valencia Counties of New Mexico
Lee, Susan E. Taylor
Los Lunas, N.M. : S.E. Lee, 1960
Three roads to Magdalena : coming of age in a
Southwest borderland, 1890-1990
Adams, David Wallace
Lawrence, Kansas : University Press of Kansas, 2016
Time of trouble, time of triumph : a centennial
history of the First Presbyterian Church of
Socorro, New Mexico (1880-1980)
McKee, John DeWitt
Socorro, N.M. : First Presbyterian Church in Socorro, 1984
Torrance and eastern Socorro Counties, New Mexico :
an annotated bibliography of historical and other
Wilson, John P.
Las Cruces, N.M. : Wilson, 1981
works, 1893-1918]
New Mexico School of Mines
Socorro, N.M. : Socorro County Pub. Co.
Welcome to the 10th annual old timers' reunion :
"ready to roll," July 11 & 12, 1981, Magdalena, New
Thompson, Trudy
Magdalena, N.M. : Bandar Log, 1981
Welcome to the 20th annual Old Timers' Reunion
Magdalena, NM, 1991