Libraries and Archives
Public Library
401 Park Street
Socorro, New Mexico 87801
(575) 835-1114
Socorro Public Library: Genealogy
Socorro Public Library: Facebook
Rio Abajo
Community Library
28 Calle De Centro Sur
La Joya, New Mexico 87028
(505) 861-8289
Special Collections Library
423 Central NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102
(505) 848-1376
University of New Mexico's Center for Southwest Research and Special Collections
New Mexico
State Library
1209 Camino Carlos Rey
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507-5166
(505) 476-9700
You can email a librarian at the New Mexico State Library who specializes in Southwest research here: Ask the Southwest Librarian
The State Library also has two genealogy
guides online:
Resources: Basic Resources
New Mexico State Records Center and Archives
Their guide to genealogy: Tracing Your Genealogy
The site has finding aids for archival
material. Actual records are not online.
Inventory of the Socorro County, N.M. Records, 1851-1935
Collection consists of the records of Socorro County, New
Mexico. Included are records of the county clerk
(1862-1935), assessor (1870-1932), treasurer (1867-1876),
sheriff (1903-1917), county commission (1876-1932), justice
of the peace (1867-1931), probate court (1867-1924), and
county school superintendent and board of education
(1909-1919). Also included are miscellaneous records which
include a city of Socorro audit (1924-1930) and a Magdalena
census enumeration (1912?). Clerk's records include
registers of oaths and bonds, licenses, homestead and
grazing claims; mining records, marriage records, notarial
records, voter lists, and election records. Probate records
include wills and testaments, a volume of which also
contains school commission proceedings (1875-1876). Some
records are in Spanish.
WorldCat is the world's library catalog. Use it to find
resources near you and to find resources to borrow via
InterLibrary Loan.
ArchiveGrid is also a worldwide catalog that helps
researchers find primary source materials held in archives,
libraries, museums and historical societies.